Barry was a delight to work for – forgiving while being suitably demanding at the same time. He wanted a book that would show off the best of his work from the last 40 years and could function as guide for his retrospective exhibition at Pah Homestead.
We were allowed to use lots of white space, a rare treat, and make the most of each image. Barry carefully selected the stock on which the books were printed and selected McCollams to print the book. They did a great job of the printing under time pressure.
It was an honour to work on this project because Barry knew it would possibly be his last hurrah due to the cancer treatment he was undergoing, and so it turned out to be. We were proud to have been able to fulfil this important brief for one of New Zealand’s very influential artists.
You can see the whole booklet by clicking here, but be aware that the resolution is reduced in order to make the file size manageable.