Family OE by luke & Karen williamson | NZ Surfers by Luke Williamson and Grant Dyson

Family OE is ideal if you are planning on taking your children on an extended trip overseas. It's packed with good advice gathered by the Williamson family on their eight months of travel in the UK, Western Europe, Turkey and Canada.

This book is not a 'where to' guide, but a 'how to', tailored specially to family travel and covering such topics as planning, what to take, preparing your children for the trip, what to do about school, budgeting, health and safety, and more. Practical tips are interleaved with travel anecdotes and snippets from the family's journals.

Black-and-white and colour photographs help illustrate the ins, outs, ups and downs of family travel, and are also guaranteed to whet the appetite and get you planning your own family OE.

NZ Surfers incorporates 25 profiles of surfers in New Zealand, that demonstrate the passion surfing inspires in people. Surfers from all walks (or surfs) of life talk about what surfing means to them and how it influences their daily life. No longer in print but Luke still has a few copies or it can be found on Trademe.

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