Julian Ostling began by taking other commuters in his van as a car pooling exercise. Then he decided that there was sufficient interest for a small bus doing the same run from Warkworth to Auckland in time for work. We helped Julian come up with the name and branding for Mahu City Express, and then got to work on snazzy graphics for the bus to make it really stand out in the traffic.
The Fraz illustrations have been a standout feature of the bus service and give the assoiciated flyers and social media a good bit of “pop”. The four cartoon characters above were drawn by Fraz to go with Julian’s etiquette flyer – no smelly socks, be nice to everyone, take your rubbish with you, don’t disturb others with your noise.
Julian quickly had a sold out bus run and has now bought three buses which we have also decorated. It just goes to show that if you give commuters a chance to use a good public transport option, they'll take it. Well done Jules!.
There are more plans afoot with 2019 with a new website and updated buses.